Reading Fiction Vs. Nonfiction Books: Which is Better?

Reading Fiction Vs. Nonfiction Books: Which is Better?

Following the book recommendations of some of the biggest names in business, I used to believe that nonfiction books are the only way to go. As I was reading a book, I saw that fiction is actually much more beneficial than I initially thought.

Fiction books are better for improving your creativity, imagination, prosocial behavior, and empathy. Nonfiction books, on the other hand, give you fact-based information for expanding your knowledge. That said, reading both genres yields better results.

Ahead, we will talk about what fiction and nonfiction books are, discuss their benefits, and compare them side by side. I will also answer some of the frequently asked questions as well as give you some reading tips to maximize the benefits you get from reading.

What Are Fiction Books

Fiction books are mostly stories that are not true. It can be in the form of a novel, a short story, or even a play.

These stories are a product of the author’s imagination and can sometimes defy logic. Examples of fiction book categories are:

  • Historical fiction
  • Romance
  • Science fiction
  • Mystery
  • Horror
  • Fantasy

These are the types of books that brought us some of the most popular films like Harry Potter, The Hobbit, and The Great Gatsby

Benefits of Reading Fiction Books

1) Fiction books can help improve your creativity.

In order to write a story, the author needs to be creative in coming up with the plot, characters, and setting. As you read their work, your mind is also stimulated to be more creative.

Fiction books can also help improve your imagination. When you read a good story, you can picture the events happening in your head. This is because your brain is trying to create a mental image of what’s going on.

But how do creativity and imagination translate in life? Well, for starters, it can make problem-solving easier for you.

When you have a better imagination, you can come up with more solutions to a problem. And when you’re more creative, you can find unique ways to approach the said problem.

2) Fiction books can also help you become more socially able

The University of Toronto examined the effects of lifelong reading of fiction and nonfiction on empathy and social acumen performance.

They found that lifetime exposure to fiction books impacted social ability positively.

But they also found that lifetime exposure to nonfiction negatively impacted it. Yikes!

This could be because fiction books make you think about what the characters are thinking, anticipate appropriate responses and feel what the characters are feeling.

Your constant exercise of reading thought processes by reading fiction books help you transfer that skill into real-life giving you better social ability.

3) Fiction books can help improve your empathy.

When you read a story, you can put yourself in the shoes of the character and understand their feelings. This is because you are able to see the world from their perspective.

Several studies have linked reading fiction to an increase in empathy.

In a study conducted by the psychology department of Washington and Lee University, researchers found that participants who read a story were more likely to develop empathy, improve emotional perception and engage in prosocial behavior.

This means that you are more likely to help others and cooperate with them. A study has shown that people who read fiction books are more likely to be helpful compared to those who don’t read at all.

What Are Nonfiction Books

Nonfiction is based on real people, events, and places. Examples of nonfiction books are:

  • Biographies,
  • Autobiographies
  • History books
  • Travel guides
  • Cookbooks
  • Textbooks
  • Self-help books

these are the types of books we usually read in class when we’re looking for recipes, certain events, and any information based on facts.

By the way, since we’re talking about nonfiction books, I have a solid recommendation that any nonfiction lover will definitely love.

You can get access to thousands of nonfiction books that are summarized in such a way that they give you only the key insights to speed up your learning by subscribing to Blinkist.

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Benefits of Reading Nonfiction Books

1) Nonfiction books can help expand your knowledge.

When you read a nonfiction book, you are exposed to new information that you can use in your life. You can learn about different cultures, history, and even science.

Nonfiction books teach you how to do things (informational) or show you why and how something happened (history). Some books inspire you and some books help you spot problems in your business or in your life and help you solve them.

And in some extreme cases, nonfiction books can help you build rockets that can soon fly to Mars—it was reported that Elon Musk learned how to build rockets by reading books.

Whatever answers you need, nonfiction books can provide them for you.

2) Nonfiction books can also help improve your critical thinking skills.

This is because you need to evaluate the information that you are reading and determine if it is true or not.

When you read informational books, you’ll start to relate one piece of information to the other. This will help you see the connections between different pieces of information.

You’ll also start thinking about how facts may be wrong and how the other information may be right. I’ve had these a couple of times when reading two books with conflicting ideas. And may I tell you, it’s to go into the rabbit hole of finding the truth.

3) Nonfiction books can also help improve your writing skills.

This is because informational books are usually well-written. As you read, you will start to notice the different styles of writing. You will also be exposed to new words that you can use in your own writing.

If I wasn’t reading nonfiction books often, I would be writing this whole article in one huge block of text and you probably won’t be reading this.

But notice how this article has several subheadings that make it easy for you to find what you’re looking for?

I didn’t learn that through a writing course, I learned that cause that’s how I want to read information.

4) Nonfiction books can help inspire you

When you read about the life of someone who has achieved something great, you will be motivated to do the same.

Additionally, nonfiction books can help improve your self-esteem. This is because you are exposed to stories of real people who have overcome challenges in their lives.

You’ll start to see the endless possibilities that life has to offer.

Fiction Vs. Nonfiction: Which is Better?

Fiction benefitsNonfiction benefits
Exercises imagination and creativityExpands your knowledge
Develops empathyImproves critical thinking skills
Improves your social behaviorImprove writing skills
Can motivate you
A table of the benefits of fiction and nonfiction books.

So, which type of book is better?

Frankly, there’s no reason to choose one from the other. Both books offer endless opportunities to learn and develop yourself.

Nonfiction books show you facts and answers to your question.

Fiction books, on the other hand, lead you to ask more questions and use your creativity and imagination.

If you want to improve your creativity, imagination, prosocial behavior, and empathy, then pick up some fiction books and get lost in the world of imagination.

On the other hand, if you want to expand your knowledge (like learning how to cook steak), improve your critical thinking skills, and inspire yourself, then nonfiction books are the way to go.

Nonfiction books will give you facts, insights, theories, stuff to talk about. Fiction books will give you a perspective and let you in into someone else’s head. They will not tell, but show you how what something’s like.

-NoSoundNoFury, Reddit user

Related post: Can You Really Learn To Read Faster? (Based on Experience)

Reading Tips

Now that we know the benefits of reading both fiction and nonfiction books, I want to share with you some tips on how you can get the best of both worlds.

  • Read a fiction book and a nonfiction book. This way, you can improve your creativity and empathy while also expanding your knowledge.
  • Set a goal to read a certain number of books each month. This way, you will be motivated to read more often. Plus, you’ll have a clear goal on how many books you have to finish.
  • Join a book club. This way, you can discuss the book with other people and get different perspectives. It doesn’t have to be a physical book club. There are lots of forums out there that let you read other people’s perspectives on a book.
  • Read books that are outside of your comfort zone. This way, you can be exposed to new and different ideas. Know nothing about climate? Read a book on climate change. What about love? Read something romantic.

Final Thoughts

Business leaders will often recommend a nonfiction book. And as someone who’s into self-improvement, you’re probably inclined to do that and completely disregard fiction books.

However, there’s a caveat to reading both books. One, you’ll get all the knowledge expansion from reading facts. And two, you’ll increase your emotional intelligence (EQ) which is way more beneficial for social purposes.

Regardless of what you’re reading, it’s a great way to improve yourself.

Whether you want to learn new things, escape from reality, or boost your creativity, there’s a book out there for you. So, what are you waiting for? Go grab a book.

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